I feel incredibly blessed to have known Rabbi and Rebbetzin Singer for almost 30 yrs. I moved to Passaic as a new baalas teshuva in 1996 and my first interaction was with the Rebbetzin who was assisting me in finding a suitable rental apartment.
Soon after I settled in they invite me for Shabbos and then my good friend Carin Gordon (now Chava Maslin) invited me along to a women's shiur that Rabbi Singer was giving in his garage!
Fast forward a bit and I was zoche to attend another special women's shiur Rabbi Singer was giving at The Gruens home and he always spoke to the women was such kavod and made us feel so important and that our learning was so valued.
Fast forward again a few years after getting married my husband chose to daven regularly at PTI and developed a beautiful kesher with Rabbi Singer himself. When we were blessed with the birth of our first child, our son Avinoam, Rabbi Singer had the honor of krias ha shem and I'll never forget how much love and excitement in his voice at that moment, as if he was our father not our Rabbi.
We were blessed to celebrate Avinoam's bar mitzvah in PTI as well and the absolute joy and nachas that Rabbi Singer expressed to us, the grandparents and extended family was overflowing. Again, making us feel like we were all family, not rabbi and congregants.
These are only a few of the many memories we have of our family and Rabbi Singer but we wanted to share them in hopes they will bring nachas to the extended Singer mishpacha who may read this and may his holy neshoma continue to rise higher and higher from all the mitzvos all of us continue to do in his memory.
Yehi Zichro Baruch.