I think back to one of the first interactions I had with Rabbi Singer. When I first moved to Passaic, I was considering becoming a wedding singer and Chazzan, but was hesitant about my abilities and didn't have much encouragement from family or friends in that regard. When I spoke to Rabbi Singer, he was so effusive in his praise, stating that "the world needs more Chazzanim" and that I should "let Hashem hear my voice. He then advised me to find a vocal instructor knowledgeable in both music theory and sensitive to Jewish values, who would be supportive of my goals in a healthy and Torah-oriented way. I owe it to Rabbi Singer that I eventually started posting videos of my singing to Facebook and YouTube, and that I produced my first single to much praise and encouragement earlier this year.
I also think to the first Purim seuda that I spent with Rav Bodenheim and family, and how R' Singer engaged me in conversation for close to 2 hours of his precious time, sharing with me Torah thoughts and encouraging me to better myself and pursue further study. Then, when I was fairly emotional, he showed me warmth and sensitivity, listening to my concerns and advising me accordingly. To top it all off, it was pouring that night, so he asked someone to give me a ride home so as to avoid the downpour.
Hashem has reclaimed His servant, and the world has lost a Gadol who excelled in Bein Adam LiMakom and LiChaveiro. Pirkei Avis tells us that Hashem is happy with those who everyone likes, and I have no doubt that R' Singer is reading his reward in the Yeshiva Shel Maalah alongside the other Torah greats. Baruch Dayan HaEmes.