The following is written similarly in the acknowledgements of the sefer "Bochen Hadrachim - The Discerning Mind". Unfortunately I dont know if Rabbi Singer ever got to see it. I have modified it slightly for the current purpose.
Rav Shlomo Singer: The first time I remember meeting you was in tears very late at night. You gave me true words of guidance and taught me that Hashem loves me, no matter what... and that I can love Him too! Since then, I saw in you the most positive and charismatic person I have yet to meet. Rav Singer's derech is to ignore anything that some may conceive as bad in another; "There is only neshamah. Hashem loves you, now get into Torah!" You were a man who did not accept negativity, and this has stuck with me over the years. Thank you. Hashem has blessed you with a long and full life, and many students who you have assisted with becoming familiar with Hashem and His Torah. You are still making the world a better place!