I met Rabbi Singer at the ADASIsrael when he was hired there as a Cantor and I Davened there. This was around the late 1960's, about 55 years ago. He enjoyed learning and was looking for a Chavrusah so I started learning with him then in his dining room, As time passed more people got involved and we then learnt in the basement and as more came to learn we moved to the garage. He also felt that learning Torah was very important and installed that in all of us. Once the group got large he felt we needed a building and even though no funds he would also say don't worry, Hashem has the funds to help us.
He was very much interested in having people learn and get Yiddishkeit so he worked hard with young people and started the NCSY group in Passaic and attracted a number of young people and turned them on. When the shul population got to0 small for hebrew schools we then combined the Hebrew schools of Passaic, Rutherford and Nutley and he was the principal and I the President and here again he worked hard to have young people appreciate learning and a number of those students went to Yeshiva and also later on went to Israel to learn. He was always very welcoming and wanted to help people grow in Torah and did not care how much you knew he just help you learn and grow. Ita his wife was also very helpful in supporting him and in the early days we did not have the kosher stores that we have now so she would bring in kosher cheese and we would buy it from her.
As PTI grew he was able to see the growth and expand the Torah learning which he always felt was so important no matter what your background was and would support you to learn.