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Yeshiva Ner Boruch-PTI Morning Kollel

The Yeshiva is excited to announce that a new morning seder Kollel began in Elul 5782 comprised of local avreichim from Passaic. It compliments the morning Chabura led by Rabbi Shaya Jaffe and Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim, increasing the Kol Torah in the Bais Medrash. The Kollel has completed the first and second Perakim of Eruvin learned almost all of the ninth perek in Elul Zman. The Kollel finished the ninth perek and most of the sixth perek in Winter Zman. For Summer Zman, the Kollel finished and did chazara on the sixth perek. For Elul Zman, the Kollel switched to learning the Third Perek of Meseches Shabbos - Perek Kirah and are currently learning the same perek in Winter Zman.
Morning Seder is 9:15 am - 1:00 pm 
Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim, Rosh Kollel 
Current Members of the Kollel:
Yechezkel Beningson
Zacharia Devor
Rabbi Binyamin Halberstam 
Ezra Mond
Rabbi Akiva Pollack
Rabbi Mendy Weiland
(updated - 12/18/2024)
Fri, February 28 2025 30 Shevat 5785